
TREATMENTS / Laser hair removal

How it works

There are many types of treatment for removing unwanted hair, but these are only short term/temporary. At Skindeep we can remove hair for both men and women with the latest technology, providing you with permanent hair reduction/removal.

The laser emits a gentle beam of light, which is absorbed by the hair follicle (leaving the skin unharmed.) The laser delivers energy, which is absorbed in the hair and transformed to heat to destroy the hair follicle within a small fraction of a second. During hair removal the laser,also rejuvenates the skin.

Never Shave, Wax or Pluck Again

Excessive and unsightly body or facial hair can be embarrassing. For a woman, facial hair can even lower her self-confidence. Not to forget, the hours a woman spends waxing, shaving and plucking can all add up – all for only a temporary hair removal solution. At Therapie Clinic, we understand how time-consuming and irritating unwanted hair can be. That is why we offer state-of-the-art laser hair removal that is specifically designed for a woman’s body.

As one of the most effective and safest ways to remove unsightly hairs, you could permanently eliminate the need for a razor at home. Whether you need to remove hair from your bikini area, legs or even your eyebrows, our customised treatments will leave you with soft, smooth skin and lots more time to do the things you enjoy!

Imagine Getting Ready in the Morning Without Shaving or Waxing Ever Again?

No more painful waxing appointments, no more cringing as you pluck those unsightly hairs and no more nicks and razor burns on your legs. You can enjoy permanent hair removal – saving you time and money.

Laser hair removal offers these time saving & painless benefits for women:

Can result in the permanent removal and reduction of unwanted hair – laser hair removal is virtually painless – can be a very effective treatment for ingrown hairs – no more shaving – laser hair removal is a much shorter and more effective procedure than electrolysis.

Before & After

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  • fiona
  • fiona

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